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Studio Bella
Studio Bella Explorers
Explorers is housed under the Studio Bella for Kids program. Established here in East Dallas in 2008, Studio Bella for Kids began with a mom of two boys who wanted to have fun and learning together to begin a great summer program. Fast forward to 2024 and you will find that Studio Bella is immersed and vested in East Dallas and Dallas Children alike year-round.
Explorers is our 5 day a week after-school program at Hexter and Sanger Elementary Schools that runs from 3:00- 5:55 pm. Our Explorers program is an interactive, activity-based after-school option for families in our community. STEAM is our focus and fearless creativity and fun are our passions.
To register, click the school of your choosing. The fine details about our program are below. Feel free to contact us at with any questions. We are happy to answer them!
More about the program:
Our Explorers program prides itself on conceptual ideas and creative problem solving for the kids to engage in and have fun with. Add our social emotional learning and physical activity to make a well-rounded program for all!
- #1 Rated after school provider through the DISD rigorous proposal process.
- Based on the DISD calendar, Explorers hours are 3:00- 5:55 every full school day.
- Weekly emails prior to the upcoming week with details about the upcoming fun and announcements.
- 1:20 ratio on Mondays for group sports/art, Wednesdays for Games/art and Fridays for either Lego, Perler Bead, Mystery Box or Philanthropy Friday.
- 1:10 – 1:15 ratio on Tuesdays and Thursdays for creative STEAM programming.
- Homework, reading and/or journaling time is part of our daily schedule Monday-Thursday. Journals are provided by Studio Bella for writing or drawing.
- Guided playtime is allowed in the gym or outside with our staff monitoring and helping children work through challenges.
- $150 non-refundable child registration fee.
- The cost is $60 a week ($4 per hour) which comes to $216 per month for ten months. Tuition for up to 2 days a week is $108 a month for 10 months. If you enroll after August 17, your rate will be prorated and averaged, so your rate will be slightly different to cover the averaged cost. The first tuition payment is due August 1. Auto draft is suggested and preferred. We offer a credit card or debit card option.
- Explorers t-shirt included for those that register before September 1.
- Option for one day care at the rate of $25 per day on signup genius. Important information such as a phone number and email address will be required prior to sign up in case of emergency.
- Check the “send email” link so that we are notified immediately when they sign up.
Click to Email Us With Questions
Aftercare Cancelation and Refund Policy
A 30-day written notice is required to fully cancel your monthly aftercare contract. A $25 service fee will apply. Refunds are forfeited if children are no longer able to participate due to behavioral problems, suspension or expulsion. Cancelation due to long periods of illness, extreme family circumstances will be reviewed, and refunds may be granted upon our discretion on a case by case basis.
Studio Bella Behavior Guidelines
Attending the Studio Bella Explorers Program is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to behave in a way that ensures a safely run the program for all to enjoy. As an after-school programming partner to Hexter and Sanger Elementary, we support and enforce DISD’s Code of Conduct and we fully support and abide by each school’s rules, policies and procedures. Therefore, all students are expected to follow all rules and discipline policies of the regular school day. Incident reports will indicate any problems that need to be addressed and must be signed upon pickup. Explorer participants who consistently disregard school rules and policies will be dismissed. Reasons for Incident Reports and/or dismissal will include but are not be limited to: injury to others, failure to follow directions and safety rules, inappropriate language, disrespectful behavior towards staff and/or others, or any violence. Should it be determined that a student’s behavior proves harmful to him/herself or others, immediate dismissal from the program will result.